Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

you can Be whatever you want to be

You can Be Whatever You Want To Be

There is inside you all of the potential to be whatever
you want to be
all of energy to do whatever
you want to do

imagine yourself as you would like to be,
doing what you want to do,
and each day,take one step
towards your dream.

one morning you will awake to find
hat you are the person
you dreamed of
doing what you wanted to do
simply because you had the courage.

to believe in your potential
and to hold on to your dream.

(donna levine)
dikutip dari buku "jangan kuliah kalau ga sukses"
kesuksesan tidak ditentukan oleh cerdas dan hebatnya seseorang,tapi kesuksesan hadir untk merka yg memimpikannya,dan berjuang mati2an untk merealisasikan mimpi2nya!
-diktip dari "jangan kuliah kalau ga sukses" karya setia furqon kholid.

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